Brecht, Laurent, Manuela en Thorsten spreken op WordCamp Nijmegen!

Na een dag werken aan WordPress is het op zaterdag 2 september tijd om elkaar nog meer te leren over WordPress en alles daar omheen. We stellen jullie daarom graag voor aan de sprekers van WordCamp Nijmegen. Dit doen we in vijf berichten. Dit is het derde bericht uit de serie.

Manuela van Prooijen

Manuela van Prooijen (The Netherlands) started Weblish (WordPress and online marketing training) in 2011. She organizes every three months the WordPress Meetup Utrecht and is co-organiser of WordCamp Utrecht. As a certified Guerrilla Marketing Coach she advises small business owners about the possibilities of using low-budget/creative marketing strategies. And WordPress is the perfect vehicle for this.

She loves oldskool loud punkrock and rock music and bagels.

Thorsten Frommen

Thorsten is a certified PHP engineer, web development professional and tester. He is working in the web since 2000, and with (and on) WordPress since 2005.

Currently, Thorsten is a WordPress engineer and technical project lead at Inpsyde, Germany’s biggest WordPress agency. He is part of Inpsyde’s QA team, and leads the development of MultilingualPress, the multisite-based free open source plugin for your multilingual websites. Thorsten also maintains WP REST Starter, a Composer package for working with the WordPress REST API in an object-oriented fashion.

Since having visited his first WordCamp in 2014, Thorsten has been speaking regularly at WordCamps in Germany and neighboring countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, Austria … and now the Netherlands?!

Laurent Maillard

29 years old Belgian, I was born in Brussels, grew up in Brazil and now live in Luxembourg after completing a master in business administration. 
After a couple of years working in a (traditional) marketing agency, I’ve founded AdoraWeb ( in 2013. My goal was very clear from the beginning: offer top-notch results-driven marketing services in a market that is relatively deprecated.
 3 years later, I’ve never been so close to achieve this goal: I’ve stopped selling websites and focus on selling value to my clients thanks to performant funnel marketing . 
I’m currently facing new challenges as my clients are larger organisations and I now need to build a rock star team…

Brecht Ryckaert

Brecht komt uit België, is 32 jaar oud en al jaren fanatiek WordPress-gebruiker. Hij heeft een boontje voor veiligheid en performantie binnen WordPress. Wanneer hij niet achter het scherm zit, geniet hij meestal van een goed boek, een science-fiction film of een goeie whisky.

Over Taco Verdonschot

Hi! I'm Taco and yes, that really really is my given name. I'm married to the most amazing wife and proud father to two amazing daughters (born in 2016 and 2020). At Yoast, I was introduced to the amazing WordPress community. Now, I’m enjoying more time in the community at Emilia! Outside of work, I love to ride my trials bikes and organize LAN parties (computer events).