Zonder sponsoren zouden wij WordCamp Nijmegen natuurlijk nooit kunnen organiseren. Vandaar dat wij onze sponsoren graag in het zonnetje zetten.
Bedankt Plesk voor jullie bijdrage aan WordCamp Nijmegen!
Plesk is de nummer één webapplicatie voor het beheren van websiteconfiguraties. Maak kennis met Plesk:
Over de sponsor
We are Plesk – a widely used web management solution. Plesk provides everything a web professional needs to set up a website quickly and securely – including a WordPress Toolkit, an easy-to-navigate control panel, server level automation, supportability tools, and complete protection with server-to-site security core.
Plesk’s WordPress Toolkit is the market leading WordPress management solution and hosting control panel that provides you all you need for staging, cloning, sync and end to end security tools as well as mass management or setting your site to maintenance mode. The WordPress Toolkit allows agencies, server administrators, resellers and customers to manage their WordPress instances, enabling a variety of development workflows for WordPress admins of all skill levels, from beginners to pros.
One of Plesk’s key plans is to continue innovating in the WordPress space. By anticipating becoming the market leader in WordPress management, WordCamps are the perfect place to meet the community.
Where can I get Plesk? Visit either one of our 2.500+ hosting partners that include GoDaddy, Hosteurope, 1&1, Liquidweb or Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, GoogleCloud or AlibabaCloud.