⚡ Voluntourism – How being a WordCamp volunteer gets you places (EN)

• Discover how giving back to the community that helps you pay your bills can also help you travel the world and build connections you never dreamed of;
• Get to know at least 3 ways how voluntourism helps you let go of insecurity and build a healthy sense of self-confidence;
• Take home 4 best practices to make the best of voluntourism.


Over Yvette Sonneveld

I'm a full stack online communication professional with extensive experience in the WordPress ecosphere. Over the past five years, I have has been quite active in the global WordPress community: as a contributor and teamrep for the global WordPress Marketing Team, as speaker and as WordCamp organizer. In September 2021 I joined team Yoast to become teamlead their the community team. Connect with me at inboundmarketingbliss.com, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Slack.