Maak kennis met onze ARNOLDUS QUACK Sponsoren

Zonder sponsoren zouden wij WordCamp Nijmegen natuurlijk nooit kunnen organiseren. Daarom heel erg bedankt Plesk, Jibr, Admin Columns, ServeBolt en MultilingualPress voor jullie bijdrage aan WordCamp Nijmegen 2018.

Over Plesk

“Plesk is a leading WebOps hosting platform to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses. Being the only OS agnostic platform, Plesk is running on more than 380,000 servers, automating 11M+ websites and 19M mailboxes. Available in more than 32 languages across 140 countries, more than 50% of the top 100 service providers worldwide are partnering with Plesk today.

Plesk has simplified the life of SysAdmins and SMBs since the early 2000’s and continues to add value across multiple cloud services.

Plesk’s WordPress Toolkit simplifies and assists rapid development, deployment and management of WordPress instances. Plesk allows web professionals to mass-manage themes and plug-ins while simplifying their back-end administrative requirements.”

Over Jibr

Managed WordPress Hosting van maakt jouw WordPress sneller, veiliger en betrouwbaarder. Door onze server architectuur is jouw website gegarandeerd snel. We beschermen je site daarnaast tegen aanvallen en zorgen voor een optimale bereikbaarheid van je site op drukke momenten.

Bij ons host je jouw website al vanaf 10 euro per maand en dat is natuurlijk gewoon inclusief al onze extra’s zoals bijvoorbeeld een staging omgeving, automatische backups en snelle support bij al jouw WordPress vragen.

Over Admin Columns

With Admin Columns, you can add columns to your overview pages so that you can see more important information. For example, the thumbnail you have assigned to a blog post, the tags you have added, and the total number of words in the article.

Over ServeBolt

Servebolt provides managed high performance hosting for WordPress and WooCommerce that is much faster and more scalable than any VPS.  Servebolt’s speed enhancements apply to both the front-end, the backend and the databases.

Any Servebolt Plan will automatically scale to more than 500 simultaneous visitors, which is ideal for e-commerce, viral blogs and other high traffic sites. For normal business sites, the price starts as low as 8 euros per site per month, with the same performance and scalability as our high performance plans.

Agency? Get a 20% recurring revenue stream on all hosting by joining the Servebolt Partner Program.

Over MultilingualPress

MultilingualPress enables you to create a network of sites and run each language in a separate site, and connect the content in a lightweight user interface just like you want them to be.

Especially when your content gets more complex, WordPress should remain easy and intuitively usable. That’s why we have created MultilingualPress on top of a powerful core feature of WordPress: Multisite. The same feature that powers millions of sites on

MultilingualPress enables in an unlimited number to connect various language content of your WordPress multisite website such as products, posts, pages, tags, categories etc..